Serving Poulsbo & Bainbridge Island
Nervous System Balancing | Gut Restoration

Digital Acupuncture
Modern Nutrition

Are you ready to get to the root cause of symptoms?

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Restore Your Health

Digital Acupunture

A modern technique used to support the body's innate ability to heal itself by combining acupuncture, information induction, and modulated frequencies with low level light therapy.

Pain | Inflammation | Anxiety | Depression| Allergies | Migraines |Sleep | Weight Loss

Microbiome Testing

An advanced approach to gut health aimed at identifying patterns of dysfunction, reducing severe digestive symptoms, and developing an effective gut healing protocol.

Food Sensitivities | Autoimmune | IBD/IBS |Severe Digestive Issues | Inflammation| Leaky Gut   

Nutritional Therapy

A bio-individual approach to nutrition using in-depth nutritional  and clinical assessments focused on supporting proper digestive function and identifying root causes influencing imbalanced digestion.

Constipation| Bloating | Diarrhea | Fatigue | Blood Sugar Imbalances| Hormone Imbalances.

Digital Acupunture

Low level laser therapy (LLLT)and modulated frequencies stimulate cellular regeneration and the release of endorphins; reducing pain and inflammation and promoting well-being and relaxation.  It painlessly applies specific light frequencies to acupuncture points to redirect and rebalance the body’s energy. (LLLT)delivers therapeutic energy without raising the temperature of tissues of the body. It can provide signifiant relief from the following:

Body Pain / Chronic Pain
Headache / Migraine
Anxiety / Depression / PTSD
Inflammation / Arthritis
Scars / Wound Healing
Joint / Tendon Injuries
Environmental / Food Sensitivities

Learn about frequency therapy

Read a brief description here


I'm Lisa and I help adults & children find relief from pain & discomfort.

The clearest path to restore health is to heal the gut and balance the nervous system.

Learn more

Frequently asked questions

Do you accept insurance?

I do not take insurance or provide medical diagnoses or medical codes.

Is Cold Laser Therapy Painful?

Cold laser therapy is painless.

Can I chat with you before I schedule an appointment?

Absolutely! Just schedule a 15 minute complimentary call to see if we'll be a good fit to work together. I'm well connected in the community and happy to refer out if another practitioner is a better fit.

Schedule Here
How many laser sessions will I need?

That entirely depends on the purpose of our meeting, your goals and readiness to make changes.  The laser I use offers a one time visit such as headache support while other programs range from 6-12 visits such as the sensitivity program (food/animal/environmental/chemical)or the gut healing program.